Enhancing Your Home with Tree Planting on Arbor Day | Laffey Real Estate

The last Friday in April is an important day: National Arbor Day! Since 1872, this holiday has celebrated and honored trees. The conventional way to celebrate Arbor Day is to plant trees, which happens to be a lot of fun. If you’ve been thinking of improving your yard with a few trees, our real estate agents recommend doing so in honor of Arbor Day. Here are a few tips to help guide you along the way.

  • Choose Native Trees
    When selecting trees to plant in your yard, you’re usually best off picking varieties native to the area. Native trees will require less maintenance and care over the years as they are better suited to the local soil, rainfall, and sunlight. Some common trees native to the Long Island area include the Eastern Redbud, Flowering Dogwood, and Pagoda Dogwood. If you’re looking for larger shade trees, Red Maple, Red Oak, and Scarlet Oak are all good choices.
  • Look for Trees That Are a Few Years Old
    The younger the tree when you plant it, the more care it will need. So, you’re likely to get the best results if you plant a tree two or three years old. Most nurseries sell them at this stage, although they may cost more than year-old trees. At a nursery, you can also choose between bare-root trees and those in natural peat pots. Trees in peat pots with soil still around the roots tend to be easier to grow and have a higher success rate.
  • Avoid Planting Near Utility Lines
    When choosing a place to plant your trees, avoid areas close to underground utility lines, such as sewer and gas lines. If you don’t know where your utility lines are, call the sewer and gas companies and ask them to come mark the lines.
  • Check the Tree’s Sunlight Requirements
    Different varieties of trees have different preferences when it comes to sunlight. Some require full sun to thrive, whereas others do best in partial shade. Check the tag or talk with someone at the nursery to determine your tree’s specific sunshine needs. Then, pick a part of your yard where the tree will get the required amount of sun, even when small.
  • Dig a Wide Hole
    When digging the hole to plant your tree, make sure you make it extra wide. This will give the tree’s roots more loose soil to grow into, which will ultimately help the tree grow stronger. Your hole does not have to be as deep as you might think. You don’t want to mound soil too far up the trunk, as this can cause rot. Bury the tree’s roots only up to the ball at the base of the trunk.
  • Water It Well
    Your tree’s roots will be relatively short at first, which means it will not be able to gather moisture from deep below the surface. As such, you must regularly water the tree when it is young. Unless it’s a very rainy spring, it is usually best to water your young tree daily at first. Then, as it matures, you can slowly reduce your frequency of watering. However, you will still want to water the tree during dry periods for the first few years of its life.

Hopefully these tips serve you well as you plant trees for Arbor Day. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you’re still looking for Port Washington homes for sale. We’re happy to help you find a home among the trees.

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