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In Hicksville, CN Guidance held a groundbreaking for the Community Crisis Center. The new intensive stabilization center will be designed to alleviate mental health and substance use crises on Long Island, by providing a 24/7/365 walk-in care alternative to emergency departments and jail.

The center, slated to open in spring or early summer of 2025, aims to provide the help people get the help they need to get stabilize, and then get directly connected to more comprehensive services.

More than 100 public officials and local leaders, including from the mental health and business community, attended to learn about the need for the center and the services it provides.

“Our new Community Crisis Center will address a critical need for crisis support on Long Island by enhancing access to care and helping families avoid unnecessary ER visits,” Jeffrey Friedman, CN Guidance CEO, said in a news release about the new center.

“We are very grateful to the State of New York, as well as our local governments and regional partners, for their support in keeping the Community Crisis Center on track to open in 2025 and serve those in need,” he added.

The center will serve walk-ins, referrals and anyone voluntarily brought by family, friends, police or a mobile crisis unit. It will also serve both children and adults with a known or suspected mental health condition or substance use disorder in their families.

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